May I present to you:
Kandee's Hair Tips
QUESTION: "Do you have a license to carry that curling iron?"
ANSWER: why yes I do, Not only am I a professional make-up artist...I am a licensed cosmetologist too! ha ha ha ha (you must read that in an official sounding voice! ha ha)

So I'm gonna share one of my favorite "Macgyver-esque" hair tricks!

Good old hand creme!

WHAT?!? you say!
WON'T it make my hair greasy?: NOPE, there's usually more waxy, greasy, oily ingredients in hair products that are used to smooth hair.

Can I use lotion? If you want to use it as a smoothing cream to add shine, a creme is better, lotion tends to be more watery.

Now let's get down to hair business! Hair fabulousness in 3....2....1

hope all your hairs want to work together and look nice today! hee hee...your kandee

Graffiti Sketches: Graffiti Alphabet Cool High Heels

Graffiti sketch on paper with the design of high-heeled shoes with graffiti alphabet and a beautiful color combination. Suitable for young children today. Graffiti alphabet in high heels cool

I was HACKED but now I'M BACK!!!!!

After a whole day of trying to get my youtube account back, trying to get my email accounts back, then trying to get my facebook back.....

I was so excited when the guy from youtube helped walk me through everything and I could sign-in again!!!

FUNNY: I did think it was funny that the "hacker" posted a comment as me saying:

Tell Kandee Johnson Here Email Password Is Set Back. Im Done With This

ha ha ha ha
The one things he did that wasn't so smart, was leave his email address on my email page...and if it's the same as his youtube channel, it's a 13 year old-ish kid that makes really weird videos!

He hacked into another youtube gurus account and made the same "no sound" videos with links to FREE Samples.
Youtube disabled the functionality of the link page that the "hacker" tried to set up, so no one's account would be harmed.

So far, I just know he hacked me and sent messages as me saying mean things and just fake things thanking my fans for weird stuff....

BUT I'M has my back! All my other accounts have been fixed and everything is good in kandeeland again!!!!!

guess who's back...back again...Kandee's tell a friend!! hee hee hee

Thanks guys for all your support! huge hugs and love and I'm so excited I'm back again!!!!!
hacker free hugs...kandee

HERE's my "I'm BACK!" video I just posted on youtube! hooray!!!!

one of my most favorite comments on this video was: Not to be mean or anything, but you look fat in this video, maybe you got Botox!
I guess they don't check out my can see me and all my "fatter"-ness on there! ha ha ha

Graffiti Sketches: Graffiti Alphabet High Heels

Graffiti art in high heels. Graffiti sketch creative. Stay apply with spray paint on your shoes.

I've been hacked!

yes...someone hacked my youtube account and posted some fake video about "free samples" of some sort. They stole some video footage and made some fake video with a link asking for people's email and things.
I am so sorry that someone has done this. I  am blocked from youtube right now and they also hacked into my email so I can't get into my emails either.
The only things they didn't hack and I have different passwords for is my facebook, my blog, and a few other things.
I spent the afternoon editing a hair video to post tonight too! (hopefully youtube will fix this soon!)
Thanks to everyone who knew this was not a typical Kandee video...(no intro, no intro music, no usually kandee-ness in the beginning)..and reported it to me...I'm just waiting to hear back from youtube and my email account! (don't worry anyone that emailed the glaminar email is safe!)
I remembered this guy!
i remember my mom just took this picture of me in the airport...and the look who showed up in the background...poor guy!
Look at the guy in the background...I will admit I struck his same pose tonight after finding out about the fake video, my youtube being hacked and being blocked from my email!

The good news is, at times like this..and ofcourse times when things are much worse than being hacked...we can choose to be victims and say "oh no!" look at all this going wrong.....
OR we can say....what can I do to try to help and fix this!
Short of changing all my passwords...calling and texting all my friends who have inside tech knowledge...and getting them to help me....I'm on my way to hopefully fixing all this soon!
OR I could've just sat with my hand over my face and tried not to have a little breakdown.

Everyday, no matter what happens we need to think like someone that refuses to be a victim of life and it's "junk" that gets us down...(breakups, family problems, relationship issues, being hacked, financial matters)...
we need to think OFFENSIVELY, react like an conqueror, a warrior..ready to take back control of your day...and your life! (and your youtube channel! ha ha ha)

I read this little story today and man is it great for me today!
 2 fisherman got caught in the middle of a lake during a big storm....
the one fisherman asked the other, "Should we row? Or should we pray?"...
his wise friend said, "BOTH!!!"

REFUSE to be a defeated by anything life dishes out to you...AND start your day and your thoughts saying "you can try to stop me..but I'm gonna be like a huge warrior that plows through anything that gets in my way!"
Take back the victory in your life!
And like those fishermen...I'm gonna row through the stormy waters of the internet and pray!

I feel sorry for the person that hacked into my youtube...that must feel very sad inside to have to try to do things like that...
no one's gonna get me down...let's refuse to be victimized....and keep going until we're waving a VICTORY flag!

down but not out, crushed but not destroyed... kandee

Burlesque: goes pregnant

Yes Cher and Christina Aguilera may be going BURLESQUE...but so am I! ha ha ha

Just my burlesque-ness features one very pregnant belly! hee hee
I took this funny picture when I made the videos for the "flapper look":
For everyone that read my personal blog you get to see my preggy pictures all the time...ha ha ha! I couldn't get my "fringe-dress" to cover my belly!

movie popcorn...kandee

Wait til you see the hilarious video I made with my sister today...I have lots to edit on it though! ha ha ha

Graffiti Alphabet Letters: Typograffiti

Create a graffiti style alphabet with a simple but cool. Such Typograffiti above. Graffiti from a-z or graffiti fonts.

Whoa Make-Over Make-Up!

here is one SICK Kandee Johnson, on the left I could hardly breathe, my nose was so sore and swollen from blowing my nose: 857,394 times
my eyes felt swollen and glassy...just yucky.
AND then on the RIGHT
...we have one still-sick, Kandee, but now coated in "health" colored make-up! ha ha ha ha ha

I tell ya....sometimes one of my favorite things about being a make-up artist is the transformation. I love before and afters!
And it's fun when you have yourself to do the BEFORE & AFTER's on! ha ha ha ha
The only reason I actually put make-up on, was so I could do this before and after.
Usually when I am sick...the only thing I want on my face is moisturizer! ha ha ha
hope you thought this was fun!
cups of hot tea...and I hope anyone else who's sick is feeling better....

Graffiti Murals Merapi

Graffiti mural was created after a volcano erupted Merapi. Mount Merapi erupted on 5 November 2010. Merapi eruption was even more devastating than the eruption of Merapi in 1872.
Residents Hail Magelang regency, Central Java, Merapi eruption incised memories of the events of 2010 in a frame of graffiti art murals. The work of art in painting murals on a wall owned by residents in Yogyakarta, Magelang highway, dated 26 November 2010.

There are three works, each mural panel drawing all the events of the Merapi eruption began drawing lijar molten lava, pyroclastic fury (wedhus trash) and residents flee.
Vertical eruption events become special memories for residents and nearby Magelang because almost for about 10 days the areas exposed to rain ash is very thick and dense.
Pyroclastic fury / wedhus gembel also depicted with a distance range up to a radius of 15 km from the summit.
Massive displacement events for the citizens of Magelang, Sleman and Klaten become special memories for not only humans but animals are also displaced. [Via]

Happy Thanksgiving (& Black Friday! ha ha)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
And since the Day after Thanksgiving (AKA Black Friday, and I don't why they call it that!)  is the biggest shopping day of the year.....
MY FIRST EVER.........

LINKS to some things in my video:

COVER FX ~most amazing make-up ever! CLICK HERE TO SEE IT

my SUPREME necklace: GET ONE HERE, is she still has one:
OR email:
feather earring: click here
OR email Cardi at:

1. Minnetonka Mocassins
2. Miz Mooz Boots
3. Doc Martens

TEASING BRUSH- Teasing U Monroe Brush
GHD flat iron ~ most amazing hair tool I own! CLICK HERE TO SEE IT & GET A DEAL!!!   ENTER THIS TO GET $50 OFF: KANDEEGHD / $50 off GHD MKIV Flat Iron

check back for the boots and everything family is all telling me to stop blogging and get in the shower because it's sorry...check back and I'll put the rest of the links!

Until then...take a peek at my Aunt (who is a handbag designer by by night!): it will make her day!!!!
huge love and turkeys.....

Graffiti Sketch: I Love Graffiti Alphabet

Sketch. I Love Graffiti Alphabet

Cook with Me! Best Recipe for Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake!

Thanksgiving! Time for thanks, feasting, and family! 

I love cheesecake AND the traditional Thanksgiving Pumpkin here's my recipe for the "World's Best Cheesecake Pumpkin Pie"....this is so yummy
AND you get to:
He makes a special appearance and teaches you a "valuable trick"...ha ha ha

Enjoy! Hope you like the cheesecake!

And get sister will be posting a "special" video tomorrow. on her youtube channel..where she will be making me wear this:
yay baking with me....Kandee

(and to see what sick kandee looks like today: CLICK HERE

Graffiti Sketches: Graffiti Alphabet URU

Alphabet graffiti sketches with URU. cool graffiti-style, font size equal and balanced right and left

Haight & WHO I got to meet: one of the MOST FAMOUS PEOPLE!

San Francisco: me standing in front of the famous "painted ladies" homes in SF.
 and this time with mom and my tartan! ha ha ha
FULL HOUSE: if you loved FULL HOUSE, (uncle Jessie) I personally wanted to be Candice Cameron...and you  can't forget...that's how the famous Olsen Twins started! Here's the house they were supposed to have lived in!
 A San Francisco MUST SEE: the famous Haight Street (The Haight Ashbury area)...known for it's hippie action of the 60's...not much hippie sightings can still find "smoke shops" and tie dyed things here and there...but mostly unique little shops, coffee places and bars...and lots of VINTAGE clothing stores!
I love vintage clothes (so does my momsie)...we saw amazing lace bridal coats and hats from the 20's and 30's...(wish I could've shown you, but some stores had BIG: NO PHOTO'S, sign up...)
Me inside, waiting for my crepe filled with butter and powdered sugar! and I think I'm texting...ha ha
i love the pair of legs coming out the window from the 2nd story behind me....and it was cold, so I gave my neck warmer a go....then it made me too hot!

So after we headed back to out hotel and my mom walk into the W Hotel and who do we see? A couple in red pants and hats, and all their bags are red too!!!!
As we get closer....I realize I am face to face with someone more popular than Lady Gaga...and will remain that way long after she's got wrinkles and 2 generations later won't remember Justin Beiber....
they will alway know.......
(hee hee: I love how me and Santa have Christmas color matching hats on!)
yep I asked good ol St. Nick, for a picture HE  not only said yes, but travels with candy canes in his coat pocket!!!! HE gave me a candy cane and I told him he made my night!!!.......I've never seen anyone look this much like every Santa image you've ever seen...he was so jolly, happy, and as some boys lined up after me to ask if he was Santa....I smiled and felt so happy from his jolly hug, smiles and candy cane!

huge love from me and jolly ol' St. Nick....
your Kandee Cane

(WANT TO have MORE FUN!?!  read my preggy blog at:

Spain Graffiti Fonts: Graffiti Alphabet

Spain Graffiti Fonts - Graffiti Alphabet A-Z

new graffiti alphabet by murals

graffiti alphabet by murals

Graffiti Hua Mei St

Graffiti Hua Mei St
Graffiti Hua Mei St
Graffiti Hua Mei St


let me take you on an ADVENTURE of ridiculousness & fabulousness....

WHERE: at the MoMa (museum of modern art) in San Francisco

~me and my mom took a one hour break to go look around~

get ready to see what we saw!

things i saw that I took pictures of to show you....


weird sculpture of a golden, Michael Jackson, with a monkey....
kinda DISTURBING, but really something about it kinda scared me, and I don't know why...ha ha ha
(and I love me some Michael)

FABULOUS: a photo of Marilyn Monroe by just someone standing near the shoot, of her famous, skirt blowing up shot!

FABULOUSLY RIDICULOUS: that they were selling 1 dollar bills for 99 cents...and they said they'd almost sold out of them that day! ha ha ha...I love this!

this one is a little more on the RIDICULOUS side: you could buy 7 pennies for $1.99! ha ha ha

the view looking up

and moving our eyes a little more down....

and I'm in the SPOTLIGHT: A FABULOUS feeling (and weirdly it's kinda Michael Jackson-ish, black hat, spotlight...ha ha ha)
Spotlights sensors pick up movement and follow you where ever you  walk in the fun-ny!

The fact that it took me 2 hours to upload these photos and type this blog: sort of RIDICULOUS....ha ha ha i hope you think it's FABULOUS!

bringing a little dose of:

your kandee......
(PS. to see a little more ridiculousness, but I think it's fabulous, click here: