My secret to amazing skin!

I posted this picture (which was taken inside the humongous Forever 21 in Times Square! I HAD to get a picture with the gi-gundo mascara!)...and started getting tons of emails asking what face make-up I was wearing because my skin "looked so great"...thanks for the compliments...but I owe it all to a little secret!

And I'm sharing my secret with you all!

Okay, so I tried that AMAZING COSMETICS CONCEALER and never told you what I thought of it....A BIG THUMBS DOWN (that's what I get for listening to a youtube guru's, who I shall not name, recommendation...they are not a make-up artist and I'm sure they got paid to mention it...just so you all know...I do NOT get paid to do any product reviews...I only talk about things I love because I love them. And as a make-up artist who's been working on celebs and movies and everything for the last 10 years, I know what products are truly AMAZING and what just has a bunch of hype.

So I took my "AMAZING"concealer back to Sephora because I did NOT like it:
It made my skin look really dry and wrinkly and the coverage wasn't so great. All their color selection seemed to be really pink or beige based, then it just jumped to really dark with red-brown undertones. No bueno!

I thought I'd give COVER FX a try since I know that it will even cover tattoos!  

I bought mine at SEPHORA- you can even ask them for a sample before you buy it and try it out for a few days. And Sephora will let you return it if you bought the wrong color (the lighting in most Sephora's is less-than-great! ha ha ha)
All day long people kept saying how great I looked! From my son to people at the store...everyone said how great I looked! I was like: YES! THIS STUFF IS AWESOME!!!

Then when I wore it at my NEW YORK GLAMINAR and in that picture above, I started getting tons of emails asking what make-up I had on because my skin looked so great! SO HERE IT IS:

I first put a light layer of Laura Mercier liquid foundation all over, then used this as my concealer (you can apply it as foundation, then go back over certain areas, eyes, mouth, nose, under eye circle area again and it acts like a concealer!
*they gave a great color selection
*every color has great yellow undertones, which is what you want to cancel out the red in your skin to make it look great!

*it will last you a really long time, so even if the price seems high, it will last you a lot longer than a cheaper brand, so it will end up being around the same price! (retails for $42...worth every penny!)
* Great for Sensitive skin (non-comedogenic – zero irritancy score)
*Free of oil, and fragrance and parabens

I am in love with how incredible this makes my skin look...if you want AMAZING looking skin...Cover FX is my new secret...well not anymore cuz' I shared it with everyone! ha ha ha

perfect skin and hope you get lots of compliments....your kandee

2 Styles Of Alphabet Graffiti Letters Big and Small

2 styles graffiti alphabet upper and lower case letters. Graffiti alphabet A-Z

Turn this plane around!!!!

Who’s flying this thing!?! Well, not me, but I did get to sit there while we were still and on the tarmac!

From someone who was (and still is on occassion) very afraid of flying...I never thought I would find myself in the cockpit of a plane! Funny considering I take off and land in a plane about 15 times a month now with my "past" fear of turbulence. With  the voice of my dear friend, Tamara (that was a flight stewardess) saying:
“It’s only air, just pockets of air!”.....
have helped me not dig holes into the person sitting next to me.

*Oh, since I've been getting hundreds of emails: YES! This shirt is an awesome Keith Harring shirt that I got at the AMAZING PATRICIA FIELD STORE: you can get one for yourself HERE:

As I sat, as the airport with all my gadgets plugged in:
*computer charging
*memory card readers plugged in to upload photos and videos for you all to see
*headphones plugged in (so no one has to hear me editing my one want so hear: “hi it’s kandee!”...30 times while I try to edit the video..ha ha ha ha
...I heard a voice behind me saying:

“is that you putting make-up on?”
ME: “yes! I do tutorials on youtube!”
Pilot: “can you make me look good?”
ME: “ofcourse! I can make anybody look good!”
Pilot: “Will it make me land any smoother?”
ME: “I’ve gotta deal, I’ll make you look make us land smooth!”
ha ha ha ha

When I walked on the plane...he asked if I wanted to sit in the cockpit and get a picture! It was amazing...hundreds of buttons, switches, lights and levers! (I am even more amazed now, since I got a text from Tamara, my doll of a friend that used to be a flight attendant, telling me that people rarely even get to look in the cockpit let alone go inside, especially after all the security changes with 9/11) I am even more appreciative of this amazing little sparkly-opportunity that I was given today!)
I got to turn the air-conditioning on and the ventilation system for the plane!

It’s funny how little they see out. Here this big ol’ plane is operated by these tiny little windows with little tiny views....
AS I WRITE THIS WE ARE ABOUT TO DESCEND...IT IS WHOAAAAAA! PRETTY TURBULENT.....VERY BUMPY...whoa it just felt like a roller coaster dropping.....ahhh trying not to be afraid..trying not to be afraid....

This made me think about flying and turbulence...
life is like flying...sometimes we are just going along and we may experience some turbulence in life...we may be going through a pocket of "bad" air...but we will always come out alright.
And today we took off from the airport going the opposite direction of where we were supposed to be going...the pilot came on to tell us that "we would be going the opposite direction, but we needed to, in order to turn the plane around in the right direction to get where we were headed."

Life is like that too, sometimes we may worry thinking we are going in the wrong direction in life- in the total opposite way that we think we need to go to get where we want to be...
maybe you had to move back home, maybe the job you wanted didn't work out, maybe you have to live somewhere that you think is not where you want to be, maybe you just broke up with someone that you thought was meant to be in your future.....
but just maybe..this "opposite of where we think we need to be", is just like the plane that NEEDS to go in another direction, just to get us in the perfect line up for where we need to be to get to out "Dream" destination. We don't get to hear the "pilot's" voice telling us.."ok you're going to move to this crappy town for a few months...but because you are there you're going to meet your soulmate or meet someone that's going to help you get that dream job, or change your whole future! So hang on while we fly there to re-fuel and turn your "life plane" around!" Then we'd say, "oh okay, that's why Mr. Wonderful cheated on me and now I'm heart broken...because we needed to break up so I could fin d the REAL MR. WONDERFUL that wouldn't ever think of doing anything but adore me and be my best friend!"

So next time you feel like your plane of life, dreams or relationships is headed in the wrong direction...know that you ticket of dreams and wonderful future, already has your destination on it...we don't always see it or know it...but we are lined up to go right where we need to be, even if it looks like a detour!
huge love and happy landings and learn to enjoy the turbulence in life....your kandee
PS. you never know, the very stranger you dug your fingernails into during the turbulence, may be the very reason you had the turbulence, so you could meet! ha ha ha

Graffiti Alphabet Letters Are Two Versions Of Style

Graffiti sketches. Graffiti Alphabet Letters A-Z Are Two Versions Of Style

I can't believe this was my DAY!!!

ME & PATRICIA FIELD (she is the designer and wardrobe genius who dressed all the girls on Sex & The City, Ugly Betty and movies like , The Devil Wears Prada!!!)

I woke up this morning thinking that today would be amazing, because I was having breakfast with the girls from ELLE, since I won the ELLE and COVERGIRL Video STAR contest for the WHOLE year! (I couldn't believe it...I thought I had just won another month of the contest! Not the whole year!!! I was so honored and excited!)
We had breakfast at this cute place with zebra print booths right across from Central Park...and all the girls from ELLE (I'm so sad I didn't get a picture with them!)...are so wonderful, cute, and so was like just hanging out with friends and not editors of a magazine (how awesome is that!?!). 
(To Emily Dougherty: you are wonderful...since the moment I met you last year I loved you! So glad people at ELLE are so incredible...I love ELLE Magazine even more, knowing how great you all are!)
then my friend Andi Elloway who lives in LA,  happened to be in NYC working on another shoot...and she asked if I wanted to do a fun NYC shoot! YES!!! So this was a picture of me and her cute lil' self! (I'll show you the pics as soon as I get them! 
then I got to go to the biggest FOREVER 21 I've ever seen, in Times Square and had to pose with this gi-normo Lipstick!!!

Then the icing on my already unbelievable day......we had plans to meet my friend Lauren for dinner, and she tells me that Patricia Field (one of her good friends!), is going to be at dinner with us! Oh my gosh!!! I was so excited!
She is so funny, down-to-earth, nice, and a great business woman! I asked how she got started, where her favorite places to shop are, how long she's has her amazing red hair....It was so fun!
(my mama, my friends Tina and Lauren, super excited Kandee, and the Ruby-Haired Patricia Field!!)

I was so tired from my "unreal" and dreamlike day....I was so excited to blog about it all...and my mom came into the room to find me asleep on my laptop...smiling in my sleep! ha ha ha
You know you had an amazing day, when someone says you're smiling in your sleep!!!

This is going down in history in my life as: one of the best days of my life!
Breakfast near central park with the awesome girls from ELLE Magazine...a fun photoshoot....giant lipsticks...then dinner with PATRICIA FIELD!!!

TODAY's roster: (awesome-ness too!):
going to get my moms hair chopped off at the Ouidad Salon...super short, I'm gonna post it on here tonight!
Going the Patricia Field Store...where Pat herself said she would come and meet lil' ol me!!!!

I want to scream this is so awesome!!!!

Hyper-excitement and giant lipsticks....your kandee

giant lipsticks

Graffiti Alphabet Letters In Style And Color

Graffiti at the top can you save it as an example a street graffiti art. can also to write my name in graffiti on paper. Graffiti alphabet letters in style and color.

Drawing out a sword is One dishonour, drawing it back in, is Two...

Eidukum Mubarak

Masha'Allah laa kuwata illa billah

ما شاء الله لا قوة إلا بالله

Masha'Allah laa kuwata illa billah


Three Dhikrs Engraved on the Walkway to Heaven

About Dhikr

Walkway to the Islamic Center of Irving, Irving, TX.

"A needle's eye is not too narrow for two friends, nor is the world wide enough for two enemies

And He put between you Love and Compassion

Zahra and Julien

Kenneth, Elaine, Kathleen, David and Glynis.

Who wants his dreams to come true must wake up

O Allah, open to me the gates of Your mercy



Arabic calligraphy customised phone skin

Lion even in the chains

Bride and Broom in Heart (Sample)

Bride and Broom's names, Thuluth heart shaped Ideal for Wedding wish cards, invitations

Beautiful Old Oriental Pictures

beautiful old oriental picture

Beautiful Old Al Aqsa Mosque Picture

Aqsa Mosque

Arab Calligraphy Wallpaper for Windows


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Kaligrafi

kaligrafi bismillahirrahmanirrahim

Ada 6 aliran utama dalam seni Kaligrafi Islam.

Antara lain ;
1. Kufi

2. Ta’liq
3. Diwani

4. Thuluth
5. Naskh
6. Riq’a

Ini adalah contoh-contoh Khot Naskh, Diambil dari Perlombaan MTQ.

Mengapa bukan kaligrafi Arab, Kan tulisannya hurufnya Arab Asli?

Dikatakan kaligrafi arab juga tepat. Namun, jika diteliti lebih jauh, ternyata Arab tidak identik dengan Islam. Bahkan, akhir-akhir ini muncul penggemar kaligrafi di tanah arab dari agama lain yang menuliskan kaligrafi. Sayangnya, banyak yang tidak tahu sehingga “terkecoh” dan menjadikan sebagai hiasan. Padahal, kalimatnya berasal dari kitab suci yang berbeda. Kaligrafi islam merupakan bahasa yang tepat untuk mengidentikkan kaligrafi dengan islam.

Dalam bahasa arab, kaligrafi di sebut khat (khath). Sedangkan penulisnya dinamai khattath.

Dalam buku khat sendiri, definisi kaligrafi diperjelas. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa kaligrafi merupakan rangkaian huruf-huruf hijaiyah yang memuat ayat-ayat alquran maupun hadist ataupun kalimat hikmah di mana rangkaian huruf-huruf itu dibuat dengan proporsi yang sesuai, baik jarak maupun ketepatan sapuan huruf.

Proporsi huruf itu sendiri dirumuskan sedemikian rupa dalam sebuah buku yang ditulis oleh para kaligrafer-kaligrafer ternama dengan menggunakan metode titik. Seperti huruf alif dalam naskhi, tingginya tidak labih dari lima titik. Lain halnya dengan tsuluts, tinggi alif bisa sampai tujuh titik dan memiliki kepala yang berbeda.

Gambar :

Seperti Kita lihat diatas kita bisa membuat bentuk khot yg kita inginkan, Khot Naskhi Maupun yg lainnya.