Illusion Graffiti: Graffiti Art On The Wall

Graffiti art on the wall of illusion

My Day - going to Seattle...

My Jordan on the plane.... window seat, my favorite seat!
you can see the water from the entrance to the W hotel!
Me and one of my most precious friends Tamara...she lights up a room with her joy...and I just adore her! So excited she calls Seattle home now...and I get to see her sparkling eyes! She has been with me through some of the not-so-fun times in my life....I love you Puddin'!
Seattle is beautiful! It is green and so clean. (oooh  i rhymed)
The W Hotel where the Glaminar will be tomorrow is GORGEOUS!!!!
We spent the afternoon making giftbags, setting up the room, arranging everything, unpacking boxes...which is where I sent a box-cutter into my thumbs trying to cut this plastic zip tie of the Vanity GirlHollywood Pink Starlet mirror that will be given away tomorrow....nothing a tightly applied band-aid couldn't fix!
 Tamara drove us to dinner...then the best part....we waited in line to get homemade ice cream at Molly Moon's, this line practically wrapped around the street for the tastebud wonders inside!
My flavor pick: Salted Caramel Ice Cream
oh my deliciousness! The guy scooping mine up said it's there most popular flavor...and I know why!
then we returned to the hotel find a beautiful tray of chocolate cupcaked with gold leaf on top, sunflower seeds, a fruit basket, and a big bottle of Fiji water...with a precious card from Casey that works in the W bar, saying she is a fan! I had to go find her and hug her and thank her!

I am beyond tired and hope this blog post isn't crazy-tired-typed...ha ha ha ha
I heart Seattle! (oh then I asked my mom, "what's that movie where they are dating in Seattle?"...and she says, "oh, you mean SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE"?....ha ha ha ha...and i said yes, i need to go to bed right this second in Seattle! ha ha ha ha

typed with love and tired fingers....your kandee


HERE WE GO...I am squeezing in one more birthday-month-give-away.....for the WEEKEND!!!

You can win this awesome BOOT CHAIN from FLEET JEWELRY (the ones that gave me the killer EARRING CHAIN to give away too!)

This Boot Chain is the business!!! You can wear it on a boot, sneaker, hi-tops.....I think they are the coolest hing on the block!

Only the styliest stomp the streets with dazzle on their feet!!!

Get ready!!!


1. CONTEST ends sunday night at midnight (pacific standard time)...

2. All you have to do is comment below (right here on this blog! No youtube or nothin' for this baby!)
(comment anything you want: shoe dazzle, i want that, anything!

3. Oh, I guess you do have to be a SUBSCRIBER here on my blog or I won't be able to contact you if you win! ha ha ha

4. Get commenting! Comment as much as you like!

OH and if you don't win and wanted this boot chain or the chain earring shown here:
FLEET is offering a special discount from MONDAY AUGUST 2nd til MONDAY AUGUST 9th...
to all the Kandee Krew.....enter discount code: EARKANDEE
to save 20% on everything on their website!
go to:

Enjoy one more little treat from me and Fleet! Have a fun friday and weekend....
typed with love, kandee

Graffiti Street Art Of Creating Illusions

Graffiti street art of creating illusion. Original paintings on the street is similar in nature

Flawless Friday: How to Get Flawless Skin!

I always get asked how I take care of my skin...
what my daily skin routine is...
how to have nice looking skin...

So this is the basics for getting smooth, clear, even skin.

How to get rid and clear up acne. Reduce blemishes. And some bonus tips on staying young looking and how I try to battle of wrinkles!

Watch. Enjoy. And I hope you learn a little something...
made with love...and typed with care....
your kandee

and if you want to see how I did the make-up in this video....
watch below, it was a Kat Von D inspired look!

Graffiti Stack | Graffiti Street Art | Graffiti Alphabet

Illusion Graffiti

Stack graffiti street art graffiti on the wall

Are you a Dream Fighter?

I was looking back through all my old blog posts...and found this one that I posted exactly one year ago to the day...
it's funny how in this year, so much has happened it kinda feels like 5 years ago.  I want you to know that when all hope is gone, when you feel like your dreams are over....that's usually when gears are turning for your dreams but you just can't see them.

It's like turning your car're in the car, you can't see the pistons firing and all the stuff turning and getting ready to make the car go...but you know you are going to go somewhere...even if you aren't MOVING YET!!!!

Get the idea here?

You may be in your car thinking...."oh man!!! I'm not even going anywhere. We're not even moving...we're never gonna be able to go anywhere like this. What if we never leave the driveway?!? oh maaaaaan!"

Yes you will!

Just like when you're sitting there, you can't see all the parts of the motor preparing you to move on out....but you know they will!

Sit back in the comfy seat of life, no matter what your car looks like, what your driveway or garage looks like...and know that gears are getting ready...turn the engine of your hope on...and believe that your "car" is gonna go somewhere!

here's the post I wrote one year ago today (actually since it's now 1 am, it would technically be yesterday, but I've been working all day and night! ha ha ha...may it touch your heart and inspire you....
Please share this or pass it on to a friend that could use some "heart & dream" encouragement....
made with love, kandee

hi all my precious people....
my heart has been so touched and encouraged by all your emails and videos....
and it made me realize it's time to share a bit about me, that might encourage all of you...
I want all of you to become Dream fight for your dreams....
and here's a little bit of me trying to share a little bit of me...which is hard to talk about...since a lot of people don't know a lot of this....

I love you all and want you to know I'm your biggest cheerleader to go after your dreams!!!!
huge love.....and here's the video


this is it!!!! the last of the birthday month giveaways!!!!!


Get your comment fingers ready!!!!

(home of my favorite big white hello kitty head purse) is donating this for my last birthday giveaway prize!!!!!

 (i know, we have to have rules or it would be complete chaos!)

rule #1. You must be a SUBSCRIBER to my YOUTUBE CHANNEL 

rule numero must comment below the youtube video (below) for it to count ~
click on the lower-right hand corner of the video on here, and it will take you to the youtube page to comment!

rule #3.  you must comment different words or sayings, or names each time you first comment: my name is........., 2nd comment: my fav color is yellow, 87th comment: my middle name is Oh Suzanna...(you get the idea!)

CONTEST ENDS: August 1 at midnight (pacific standard time)
winner will be announced MONDAY AUGUST 2nd 
here on the fabulously fabulous blogsy

WINNER CAN BE FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, said they'll ship anywhere!!!!!!!

YAY!!!! so get your hands a typin' in Lithuania to Estonia....Chile to Taiwan!!!

Winner must respond within 48 hours of posting winner on this blog, if not a second winner will be chosen!

HAVE fun and warm of those comment fingers!

Happy-July-is-my-birthday-month! And happy birthday to all other July babies too!

huge love and hot pink Hello Kitty Purses!!!!

3D Illusion Graffiti Creator

3D illusion creator of hip hop graffiti

3D Graffiti Alphabet: Graffiti Street Art

3D Graffiti Street Art

It's Show Time!

You guys are awesome! 
You came up with so many great show names, and since you all know me so well, they were
all names that I was so hard to pick...but we decided to combine a bunch of different ideas!

So here we have it: KANDEE UNWRAPPED: life make-overs

The first episode launched today!!! 2pm (pacific standard time)

Check back later today to celebrate the show and the last of my birthday giveaway prizes!
The hot pink hello kitty purse is ready to be given away!

You guys are awesome!!! Thank you so much for being a part of this with me!

huge love my kandee family.....your kandee


I am honored to be a part of your encourage, inspire and pour some love into your lives...
and like I've said before, each of you are my little "treasure dreams".

I want you guys to be a part of all that I do, especially when it is for you...your opinion matters!

So it's time to call on my "Kandee Fam" to help me!

Tomorrow my "name-less" show on, will premiere Wednesday at 2pm, Pacific Standard time....
BUT THE SHOW NEEDS A NAME!!! (we need a name by the tonight!!!! Tuesday July 27th at midnight!)

PLEASE COMMENT BELOW WITH ANY ideas you all have for a show the show teaser (CLICK HERE TO WATCH SHOW TEASER!)and tell me what you think a great name would be based on the video and the other clips on there!

THANKS TEAM KANDEE....I want you all to be a part of success is your success too! YOU  ARE ALL COMING ALONG THE RIDE WITH ME! This is not just me doing this, this is me and my Kandee Family..each one of you!

So let's name our show!!!

huge love my team.....your kandee

Illusion Graffiti | 3D Art Graffiti Alphabet

3D Graffiti Alphabet

Don't Dream A Little Dream...

I am "recycling" this posty... some of you may remember this post from a long time ago....I found it and wanted to share it again....I think we can all use this sometimes (feel free to pass this on to friends that could use it!

(I took this "big" view from on top of the Empire State Building in New York...sometimes you just need to have "big vision" for your's a view to inspire you...)

dream a big dream...
people waste their never doing anything to make them happen! Let's be dream makers....not dream wasters!

Just like each person has their own fingerprints and likes and have your own personal dream...and your own one else will say they same things you will, paint a painting the way you will, sing a song the same way...or even draw out the beauty in someone by doing their make-up, the same way...

Whatever moves you, excited you, whatever you have a "knack" for.....go after it! Go after it, big time! The small details are what will make your big dreams....come true!

And don't listen to the dream-stopper lies that try to prevent your dream from happening...
your never:
*too old, or too young....(The world famous chef Julia Child, didn't start cooking until she was in her 50's)

*not talented enough...(some of the most famous people were told they had no talent! From Frank Sinatra to The Beatles!)

*have no time...(some of the most amazing inventions and books were written when people had to do them at night, because they were busy with work or kids during the day)

*you have lost hope....(whatever is lost can be found.....find your dream and your hope..and work hard to keep it alive...water your dreams & hopes, one can make them grow except you...and God...but we have to do our part!)

*too fat or thin, not attractive enough.....(Oprah has struggled with her weight, but she became the most powerful women (person) in the media...true talent doesn't have a size or a beauty rating! I've seen some "pretty" people that were the ugliest people I've ever seen, and no one wanted them around!)

*you have kids and don't know how you'll do it....(I know of an actress, that was so desired, the studio paid for her to move to Hollywood, they paid for her house in the Hills, and they paid for her to have a Nanny service at her disposal...a lot of my friends are moms, or single moms...and they have been able to make their dreams come true, with their babies right by their side!)...everyone knows, moms have incredible work ethics, they can multi-task like nobody's business....maybe you can't answer the phone when kids are yelling...but thank goodness for email and texting! ha ha ha ha

I made small decisions to help get my "big dreams" jump started...
*I made the choice to enroll in beauty school (that's all I knew to do at the time)
* I decided I was going to talk to salons and see if I could do make-up for prom
*I made flyers and put them up advertising my make-up services
*I made lil postcards and business cards to give to people, so they knew I was a "make-up artist"
*I made a little portfolio of all my friends I had put make-up on
*I made appointments with all the local photographers and advertising agencies to show them my "portfolio"...and I started getting work!
*I decided I was going to go talk to an award winning make-up artist at a hair show...

and before I knew it....I was walking onto movie sets, into the offices of MTV with my make-up kit to work, and being listed as key make-up for tv shows and commercials...and hiring my own team of make-up artists and hair stylists for jobs!

Each small decision I made, was going to have a huge effect!

(not only does Janice Dickinson, have a bigger than life personality, she coined the bigger-than-average-model term, "supermodel"....this was me and Janice, after I did her make-up)

So today...or even next week...start making tiny decisions to power up your big dreams!!!

Remember, every giant made up of a bunch of little steps....
typed with huge love for you and your dreams...kandee


this week will be very busy...
I am getting very little sleep, with lists as big as phone books of the things I need to do...I also so got some crazy reaction to a new self-tanner I tried, Tan Towels, which made my face and neck break out in a horrible itchy rash! I was going to make a video, but my skin looks awful and kinda hurts!

I have a lot of other non fun things to prepare this week, and things to work on...but I won't bore you with all the "non-fun-ness"....these things in life will make me stronger!
I will also be packing and traveling to have our SEATTLE GLAMINAR this weekend, JULY 31st!!!
(sign up soon if you want to go!!!)
Just when I start to feel overwhelmed and like I can't possibly do all the things I need to, read all the emails, call all the people I need to...
I say, yes I can do this.
I ask God to fill me with peace...and strength.
I break everything down into the order of urgency.
And start taking little bites of the giant mountain in front of me!
and then I rejoice in the small wonderful things...
some WONDERFUL things this week!!!

(should be launched tomorrow)
for this awesome HELLO KITTY PURSE!!!!

#2. My premier show on BIGtv premiers wednesday at 2pm (pacific standard time)...
go to:
to check it is like youtube meets a tv show...internet style!
I can't tell you what it means to me to hear your stories and meet you all....meeting these girls, inspired my heart so much!
I really want you to know that each one of you... are dreams in my heart! I love you all so much...and being a part of your lives and hearts is the most amazing thing that I could ask for as a "dream career"!

#3. Pack and leave for the SEATTLE GLAMINAR this WEEK END!!!!!

I can't wait to meet all of you attending, and encourage your hearts, teach you, and help jump start all your dream! This is going to be amazing!!!!! I am so excited!
I have lots...and LOTS of work to do to get ready!

Graffti Illusion: 3D Graffiti Art

Graffiti 3D illusion above is from Japan. 3D graffiti is graffiti art as an example of interior design houses, graffiti on the illusion of design created by Yasuhiko Hayashi and Yusuke Nakano.

3D Graffiti Art


We have a WINNER!!!!!
(the winner has 48 hours to contact me or I'll have to pick another winner)

OUT OF THOUSANDS of COMMENTS....our random winner is:

PLEASE COMMENT BELOW THAT YOU RECEIVED THIS & I SENT ya a message on youtube with directions to get a hold of me!

HERE'S A SNEAK PEEK AT WHAT IT IS.....can you say hot pink hello kitty purse!!!!??!!
this giveaway will be sometime this week...check my blog for when it's up!!!!

have fun and happy july!!!!!! I am so happy to be able to give you guys fun giveaways for my birthday  month! I  wish I could do this every month! Maybe I can do one giveaway a month...if you guys like this! Let me know below!

huge love and fun giveaways....your kandee

GIVE a SMILE and even a hug, it's the easiest gift to give...and it's totally free, and you never know how much someone could use a smile!!!

Graffiti Alphabet Is An Illusion: Odeith

Graffiti Street Art

Graffiti art alphabet is an illusion on the wall by Odeith


I have always had a fascination and "semi-obsession" with eyebrows. Changing your eyebrows can change the WHOLE look of your face:

*make your face look slimmer

*make your eyes look closer or farther apart

*bring out the angles in your face

*if you face feels to angular, a curved eyebrow can soften your face

*frame your eyes like the trick that old Hollywood make-up artist used on stars like Marilyn Monroe

So as I scan peoples faces or have them in my make-up chair, the first thing I always do is re-shape their eyebrows....then I define them.

All old Hollywood stars and pin-up girls, even modern day glam girls have perfectly defined eyebrows!
Think of Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren to modern glamazons like Kim Kardashian, Angelina Jolie, Linda Evangelista, Megan Fox and Haifa Aishwarya.

Look at this "eye defining" before and after of one of my fav celebrities, Gwen Stefani. See what a difference a little defining makes?

I'll be posting the "fast eyebrow re-shaping video" soon too!


* an angled brush

*eyeshadow or brow color, close to the same color as your hair


*a waterproof eyeliner or waterproof cream liner


so get ready to bring some WOW to your BROW!!!

huge love LOVE & PERFECT EYEBROWS....kandee

Illusionist Graffiti Alphabet

Graffiti Street Art

Graffiti art alphabet Illusionist


 (oh noooo, it's your last chance all you west coasters to go the GLAMINARS!.....)

Hi Everyone....just want you all to know...this is my LAST DATE WE HAVE FOR A WEST COAST GLAMINAR...

I just wanted to make sure than anyone that lives on the West Coast of the US, and wanted to attend a GLAMINAR knows that this is our last stop. 

I wish I had more time to go to more cities, but just wanted to make sure if any of you west coasters....California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, and any of the states NW of that...this is your stop baby!

This is something that will not only teach you many amazing things about make-up that you'll never learn from any school or youtube video...but it will change your life....inspire you and your dreams....and touch your heart forever.....
I cant't here for more details...

I have to go back to my work for setting them all up and trying to get some special surprises for you all coming!

can't wait it's going to be an amazing day!!!1
huge love.....your kandee

Graffiti Street Art | Alphabet Graffiti Style Cool

Alphabet graffiti style street art on the walls cool.


I have something so awesome to show you guys! I think you all know that you are my dreams..each one of and your precious stories and hearts...any dream that I ever had, has been replaced in the garden of my heart by each of you.

My life is incredible because of each of you...your stories have inspired me,  touched my heart, and have made my heart grow larger. I wanted a chance for some of you to share your incredible stories with the world....and now I have been able to.....

I want to thank the brave and precious girls who told me their stories...and let me into their hearts and lives...
(this is a screen grab from part of the the pink letters below to watch)

here's a sneak peek at what we've been  on...
BIGtv is an awesome and exciting new platform to feature personalities on the's like a mix between youtube and a tv show...
watch and enjoy....
the whole shows will be up soon...


huge love to all my little dreams reading this...your kandee

new graffiti alphabet murals

new graffiti alphabet murals
new graffiti alphabet murals
new graffiti alphabet murals


ok, so here's the scoop....AND NEW RULES!!!!!
Youtube pulled my video for having too many comments with the same words! So a BIG thank you to youtube for pulling the video and all the comments that you guys typed! So sorry about that! Ain't no one gonna stop us from having this contest!!!

youtube has made this much harder! ahhhh
(bonus points if you have one of my videos favorited when I check out your youtube page!)

PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! DO NOT COMMENT "EAR KANDEE" or the same repeated comments...or YOUTUBE will mark them as SPAM and delete the video again! we don't want that!
type your first name,  or middle name,  or nickname, anything nice, just MAKE SURE each comment has says something repeated comment words or youtube will pull it again!:(

(click the LOWER RIGHT HAND CORNER of the video on here, to take you to the video on YOUTUBE...comment underneath there!)

WINNER MUST reply within 48 hours of winner announcement!

THIS CONTEST IS OPEN TO ALL COUNTRIES! I'll pay the extra shipping to send it anywhere in the world that the precious winner lives!

MY WINNING ADVICE: comment several different times a day (with your different words or names, or just nice things to say!), every day until the contest ends, so your name will be all throughout the comments for the random selection!


have fun, start commenting (again...ha ha ha ha) and I can't wait to see who wins!
love and earrings, kandee

PS. with all the problems I had with youtube and my blog, this took me over 3 hours to fix, re edit video, and re-upload it to youtube (2 times) ahhhhhhhh WE finally got it!

Strength in Beauty, Beauty In Strength

I always say: "you're more beautiful than you now, more talented than you think, and more loved than you can imagine"....

but I love these words written on this boxing glove too!

Abby sent me this awesome GOLDEN BOXING GLOVE which she wrote on with the words:
"Strength in Beauty, Beauty in Strength". This was a birthday present she sent to me! And I cried as I read the precious words she wrote to me.

I had the honor of coming to know a beautiful girl named Abby. She is one of my new heroes.

Abby is on the LEFT, my head is circled on the right! ha ha ha (this was at the GLAMINAR in Pasadena)

I gave Abby the best seat in the front row of the Glaminar, it had her name on it with a special pink ribbon tied to her chair.

You see, Abby NEEDED to be in the front row to read my lips...she is losing her hearing, and need the help of special hearing devices (which she chose to be sparkly and bedazzle with sparkly decorations!) to hear me.
Not only is she losing her hearing, but she also told me how she received even more bad news, that it is now affecting her eyesight. Precious Abby commented that at least the medication she's on will make her eyelashes look thicker! How incredibly optimistic is that!?!
Not only is this sweet, precious and incredibly strong girl slowly losing her hearing, but to get hit with the fact that your eyesight is now being effected!
ABBY is the new hero of my heart!

She is energetic and joyful, despite all that is going on in her world. She is optimistic and full of twinkle.  When we think we have obstacles...people that are discouraging, a horrible job and lots of bills, babies or children to take care of, we live somewhere we don't like, we have no friends...I re-think, my thinking. Here is Abby, this gentle spirit with obstacles that would send most of us into a deep depression, and instead of thinking her future is ruined...she goes on with a determined heart and mind, with an attitude and spirit we all need to have that says... "I am strength! In my strength I am more than beautiful. I will find a way, make a way, where no path has gone before, no story like mine has been told, I will pioneer new frontiers and do things that no one like me should have done! I will rejoice in my strength. And when I feel weak, I will pray for God to strengthen me and be the footprints in the sand carrying me when I can't go on. I will not let my circumstances decide how I will thoughts are going to direct me to greatness!"

Remember: You're better off with a disabled body and enabled thinking, that an able body and disabled thinking!

Abby you are my hero and I am so honored to know you. You encourage me and inspire me! I love you!

Please pass or post this blog today to anyone that could use this story of strength and encouragement in their life!

written an typed with huge amounts of love and encouragement and STRENGTH!!!
i want the best futures for all of you reading this....huge love and hugs, kandee

Graffiti Alphabet: Graffiti Art Alphabet Walls

Graffiti Art Alphabet Walls

Graffiti Alphabet: Graffiti Street Art Wall

Graffiti Street Art Wall


I'm STILL CELEBRATING my BIRTHDAY this month, by giving you guys goodies!!!
my awesome, super rocker CHAIN EARRING from FLEET JEWELRY, made and designed in the heart and soul of Downtown Los Angeles, by Kate Power and her posse.

Yes, I said earring, as in one! As you all know I have a hankering to wear  only one earring, or mix match earrings...examples here:

and now my new fav...the ONE-EARRING-CHAIN baby!!!

WINNING TIP: if you comment everyday of the contest, every few hours, you have a better chance of being the winner!
CONTEST ENDS JULY 25th (Pacific Standard Time) 
WINNER will be announced here on my blog!

to check out more killer style-dazzlings by FLEET JEWELRY go to:

how I found fleet....
my photographer friend Ian, told me about his jewelry designer friend, Kate Power...he was telling me about her awesome passion for designing and creating jewelry, how she doesn't do it for money, she does it for her love of creating...and how she doesn't like all the fake LA scene ( i like her already!)....once I saw her creations....I was like....."I love me some of these!!!!....I've worn mine almost everyday since I got it!!!! So you can rock your ear chain all kandee-twin-style!...get your EAR KANDEE on....go comment away and you could have your precious ear lobes decorated just like mine!

huge love and dazzled ears....your kandee


I have just found out that there are a few people saying they are having "GLAMINARS"...some have even copied images from my website and wording from there too! Please know that the official GLAMINAR website and sign-up are at:

I have worked very hard, and even made up the name Glaminar (because I wanted it to sound like GLAM + seminar)...I spend nights until 3-4am in the morning working on this, and it is very upsetting to know that someone would try to "steal" images, wording, and even use the name GLAMINAR to trick people.

These are the official GLAMINAR can click on the website link and some of the details about certain locations are on the website! SEATTLE is JULY 31st!!!!! (we're getting FULL!)
and CHICAGO IS NOW OPEN FOR SIGN-UPS!!!! (just go to locations and click on the cities name!)

I don't want any of you to be fooled by these imposter GLAMINARS! I love you all and want to protect you like I'm a mama cat and you're my lil kittens!

oh yes, a new make-up how to video is going up on youtube today! AND another CONTEST!!!!!

have an awesome day my loves....kandee

Write My Name in Graffiti | Graffiti Alphabet Wamus

Write My Name in Graffiti